Back to Front and L to R (Row 1) unidentified, Matt Mozer, Tom Stinbuck, unidentified, D. Taylor; (Row 2) A Knoll, unidentified, J. Huff, unidentified, B Kennelly, unidentified, M. Lang III; (Row 3) O Morck, unidentified, "Fritz", unidentified, unidentified; (Row 4) J Carey, A McDean, unidentified, Ed Stinbuck, O Olson, B Stinbuck; (Front row) Charlie Miller (Bandmaster) Photo donated by CherylAnn Shultz
1903 New Year's Eve Ball Library Benefit Dance held at the Mandan Opera House in Mandan North Dakota
Dancing parties were a frequent fundraiser occurance in the early 1900s. The "Ladies of the Library" board would hold and annual dance at the Opera House on New Years Eve. Lochner’s Orchestra of seven pieces frequently furnished the music. Supper was served at 11 o’clock on the stage to the merry dancers. Dorothy Fiske was Board President.
American Legion Endowment Fundraisers (1925)
Members are unidentified. Photo donated by Jackie Bair
1924 Mandan High School Girls Basketball Team
Members are unidentified. Image donated by Dellilah Johnson
Mandan Rotary Club Members (undated)
Back Row L to R: unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified; Front Row L to R: unidentified, unidentified, unidentifiede Photo donated by Jackie Bair
Back Row L to R: unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, unidentified, Floyd Frankl, unidentified, unidentified; Front Row Sitting L to R: unidentified, unidentified, unidentifiede Photo donated by Jackie Bair
The MHSoc's museum and office is located at 3827 30th Avenue NW; Mandan, ND 58554 Contact us at