Help volunteer members record and preserve history with a small donation via PayPal to support the Mandan Historical Society. Your donation will be split evenly between the Endowment Fund and current support for the Society's activities.
What's New at the Website!
To assist frequent visitors to our website, our Webmaster would like to call specific attention to following recent changes.
Note: Changes to meeting and event schedules are frequent and will not be listed here.
Please provide comments and suggested changes to our webmaster either by placing suggestions in the guestbook on the home/[Welcome] page, or via email at
March 14, 2025 - Legacy Biography - Elfriede (Trinkler) Kuhn
Elfriede (or Elfrida) Trinkler claimed to have immigrated on the RMS Titanic from France. Taking advantage of her claim as a survivor of the disaster, she found employment. However, her name does not appear on any survivor lists. But her story does not end there.
Click the [Biographies S-Z] --> [Elfriede Kuhn] on the top ribbon tabs
March 3, 2025 - Women's History Month
Refreshing the website homepage to celebrate March's Women's History Month with photographs of women's groups in our history. Plus - we promote the Society's program on "Mandan's Interesting Women" to be presented March 27 at 6:00 PM at the Morton-Mandan Public Library.
This webpage is at [Welcome]
September 5, 2024 - Area History - Mandan Timeline 1870s
With recent research focusing on the story before, during and after the construction of the Northern Pacific Railway's "High Bridge" across the Missouri River, additional information compiled prompts the addition of a new webpage for historical milestones associated with the 1870s.
Click the [Area History] --> [1870s] on the top ribbon tabs
June 22, 2024 - Legacy Biography - Tilden Russell Selmes, Jr
Tilden, a Yale-educated lawyer invested in a ranch 15 miles WSW of Mandan. Like his friend Theodore Roosevelt, they were unsuccessful ranchers. Selmes' daughter Isabella Ferguson Greenway King became the first woman elected to the US House of Representatives from Arizona.
Click the [Biographies S-Z] --> [Tilden Selmes, Jr] on the top ribbon tabs
June 9, 2024 - ND Memorial Bridge Updates
The existing webpage on the bridge between Mandan and Bismarck was enhanced with several new graphics and information developed during the Society's research of Red Trail / State Route 3 and the BNSF Railway's "High Bridge" at Bismarck.
To review, go to [Gone Forever] -> [ND Memorial Bridge]
May 7, 2024 - Gone Forever - State Route 3 / Red Trail
Local efforts to leverage the nostelgia into a Scenic Byway designation; or recycling a trail designator as a city street name don't do justice to its actual location. But the Mandan School District got it right... (Edits Made to 24Apr24 Version)
From the top ribbon, go to [Gone Forever] --> [Red Trail / State Route 3]
April 15, 2024 Area Landmarks - Liberty Memorial Bridge (2008)
The two-lane steel-arch bridge across the Missouri River which opened in 1922 and completed the final piece to US Highway 10 was replaced in 2008 with a four-lane vehicle bridge with pedestrian walkway of a steel box design. Both were dedicated to the men and women who served in the US military.
From the top ribbon, go to [Area Landmarks] --> [2nd Liberty Mem'l Bridge]
The MHSoc's museum and office is located at 3827 30th Avenue NW; Mandan, ND 58554 Contact us at